Friday, November 2, 2007

Ayurveda Diognosis

Samanyaj This disease is caused due to disequilibrium of any one, two or three Doshas refers to samanyaj vyadhi. Like Anemia that can be caused due to the vitiation of either of Vata, Pitta or Kapha Dosha or all of them.

Nanatmaj This disease is caused due to disequilibrium of one particular Dosha. Like grudhrasi(sciatica), Kamala(jaundice), Medorog(obesity) due to vitiation of Vata, Pitta, Kapha Doshas respectively.

Sadhya refers to curable diseases and

Asadhya means incurable diseases.

Sadhya is further divided into following two categories:
  • Sukhasadhya refers to diseases, which are easily curable within a short span of time.
  • Kruchchhasadhya are those diseases, which are curable with difficulty.
  • Asadhya is divided into following two categories:
  • Yapya Where in treatments or remedies applied afford relief to the patient but within a short span relapse again. So also the patient is relieved when he is on medication but if the medication is stopped the disease relapses. It is controllable only at the time of medication.
  • Anukarma irredeemable i.e. remedies applied in no way give relief to the patient

Characteristics of Sukhasadhya diseases:
Diseases that can be cured in a short span are called su-sadhya.
The body of the patient is capable of withstanding all types of therapies.
The patient has control over his sense organs.
The disease has few causes, mild pro-dormal symptoms, mild characteristic features and no complications.
Doshas, dushyas (tissues), desha (regions), kala (season) and prakruti (constitution of body) are dissimilar.
Disease arising from only one dosha, manifesting in one pathway only and is of recent onset.

Characteristics of Kruchchhasadhya:
It requires more than one difficult method of treatment.
It has many incurable (distressing) symptoms.
Takes long time to develop.
It might need surgical and other methods of treatment.
All such diseases are cured, but with difficulty, hence Krcch - sadhya.

Characteristics of yapya:
It is that disease which though is generally opposite (in qualities) of the curable;
still persist for remaining period of life.
Giving slight relief by suitable pathya (diet and medicines).
Getting aggravated again by even trivial causes.
Does not get cured without leaving remnants.
Arising from bad actions of the patient.
Continuing long because the person has a certain definite span (duration) of life.

Characteristics of Anukarma:
It falls under the category of incurable diseases.
Has to be rejected because it possesses qualities entirely opposite to curable.
It produces giddiness, delusion, restlessness, and appearance of fatal signs and loss of function of sense organs.

Even curable (sadhya) diseases, if they are in strong combinations, become incurable (asadhya).
Other than this there are diseases, which falls under the category of Agantuj caused due to external factor like poison, accidents, heat stroke, etc. Nijroga caused due to disharmony of the Doshas and lastly Manas (psychiatric disease).

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