Monday, December 7, 2009

What should I expect from an Ayurvedic treatment?

Ayurvedic treatment focuses on restoring the natural harmony of your body and mind. On your first visit, our doctor will ask for your medical history, check your pulse, palpate your abdomen, examine your tongue, eyes, nails, and skin, and listen to the tone of your voice. Our doctor will also ask you questions about your general state of health with special focus on your lifestyle, diet, habits, and environmental surroundings. Based on this assessment, our doctor will then make recommendations on how to restore your natural balance, which always includes the changes in lifestyle, particular diet and the following practices:

Pranayama -- breathing exercises. Practicing pranayama generates more energy.
Abhyanga -- rubbing the skin with herbal oil to increase blood circulation and draw toxins out of the body through the skin.
Rasayana -- using mantras (repeated words or phrases) during meditation combined with specific herbs to rejuvenate a person.
Yoga -- combining pranayama, movement, and meditation. It has been shown to improve circulation and digestion, and to reduce blood pressure, cholesterol levels, anxiety, and chronic pain.
Pancha karma -- cleansing the body of toxins to purify the body and reduce cholesterol. Practitioners use methods to induce sweat, bowel movements, and even vomit in an effort to cleanse the body of toxins.
Herbal medicines -- prescribing herbs to restore dosha balance.

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